Warm up with this gluten & dairy free soup

Oddly enough, it was 13 degrees in Atlanta this past week. You bet soup was on the menu. Butternut squash to be exact. This recipe is super easy and super nutritious. Only a few ingredients and a couple simple steps. It's loaded with Vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Add butternut squash to your grocery list this week and you won't regret it! 


Butternut Squash Soup with Ginger & Cinnamon 


What you'll need:

Butternut squash, 2 whole

Coconut milk, 14 oz. 

Vegetable broth, 32 oz.

Ginger, ground, 1 T 

Cinnamon, ground, 2 tsp. 

Salt, 3/4 tsp. 


To Create:

Cut squash in half lengthwise like this: (You may have to microwave for 5 minutes for an easier cut.)


Turn oven to 400 degrees. Seed squash and place face down on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil like this:


Bake for 45 minutes. Let cool or wear oven mitts when you do this next step. 

Scoop squash into a food processor, add a little of your vegetable broth, and pulse until smooth.


Place squash in crock pot. Stir in vegetable broth, coconut milk, and spices. Set heat to high for at least 30 minutes in order for flavors to meld. If you are not pressed for time, set to low for about an hour or more. 

That's it! Enjoy and stay warm! 

Leslie :)